Fri, 26 Apr
|Pro Loco Crema Infopoint
Leonardo: suggestions and influences in Crema and Cremasco

Orario & Sede
26 Apr 2019, 21:00
Pro Loco Crema Infopoint, Piazza Duomo 22, Crema, CR, Italy
On the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the death of Leonardo da Vinci, the Municipality of Crema, Department of Culture and Tourism in collaboration with the Pro Loco of Crema has prepared an articulated and in-depth artistic-cultural project aimed at highlighting the influences and the contaminations that the genius of Leonardo was able to offer to the artistic culture of that time in our territory. The initiative aims to involve the city and some towns of Cremasco offering, to tourists and art lovers, exciting itineraries that allow the rediscovery of places and heritage inspired by Leonardo. On 26 April at 9.00 pm at the Pro Loco of Crema, the art historian and researcher Dr. Matteo Facchi will guide sympathizers and all those interested in discovering Leonardo's ties with Cremasco. Do not miss the opportunity to discover Leonardo's contaminations in Cremasco and the main Renaissance monuments, characters and works of art in the area.