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Mon, 15 Apr


Comune Di Crema - Museo Civico di Crema


Proiezione film dal 18/02 al 15/04

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Orario & Sede

15 Apr 2019, 21:00 – 23:30

Comune Di Crema - Museo Civico di Crema , Piazzetta WT Gregorj, 5, 26013 Crema CR, Italy


Entrance with FICC membership card. Registration € 7.00 per year.

Projections in the A. Cremonesi room of the Civic Museum of Crema and Cremasco

at 21:10.


ASPHALT TAPES (from 18 February to 11 March 2019):


18/02: "Easy Rider" (1969, Dennis HOPPER)

25/02: "Locke" (2013, Steven KNIGHT)

04/03: "Two-lane road" (1971, Mount HELLMAN)

11/03: "Duel" (1971, Steven SPIELBERG)

Where the road becomes the only possible state of being. Where the asphalt, the wind, the miles and the roar of the engines amid swirls of dust are the only elements that matter. Four cinematic pieces imbued with protest, desire for estrangement, survival instinct, which return the concept of the dismantled journey of the maturational and formative aspects by placing the pure suspension of the coordinates, the eternal oneself in a full-throttle motion, to an inexpressibly necessary dimension.


ROGER A. DEAKINS: THE KILLED LOOK (from 18 March to 15 April 2019):


18/03: "Mister Hula Hoop" (1994, Joel and Ethan COEN)

25/03: "Sicario" (2015, Denis VILLENEUVE)

01/04: "Hurricane - The Cry of Innocence" (1999, Norman JEWISON)

08/04: "Revolutionary Road" (2008, Sam MENDES)

15/04: "The Village" (2004, M. Night SHYAMALAN)

Tribute to the British director of photography among the most authorial of the contemporary era. His technical solutions brought to film in a persevering way along the arc of his very long career (an activity still in progress, punctuated by recursive and mutually fruitful partnerships with talented filmmakers, studded with over a hundred trophies and world awards, and finally sealed with an Oscar in 2018) have produced a distinctive signature practically from the very beginning. A technical figure that coincides with the artistic vision, without equal in the ability to master lights, colors and shadows and to imprison the gaze, bewitching with emotion and depth.

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