The functions of power, classical Latin culture and the Renaissance festival.
Fri, 29 Mar
|Civic Museum of Crema Fra 'Agostino room
Conference "The arch of Albrecht Durer for Maximilian I of Habsburg"

Orario & Sede
29 Mar 2019, 21:00
Civic Museum of Crema Fra 'Agostino room, Piazzetta WT Gregorj, 5, 26013 Crema CR, Italy
The Association of alumni of the Liceo Ginnasio “A. Racchetti ”of Crema is pleased to invite you to the conference
"The functions of power, classical Latin culture and the Renaissance party. The arch of Albrecht Dürer for Maximilian I of Habsburg". The speaker will be Prof. Roberta Carpani, Professor of History of Theater and Entertainment at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan. In the period of Humanism, the main texts of classical culture are rediscovered and intensely studied, commented on, published: the classical heritage shapes the new conception of man and the paths of knowledge in all areas of knowledge. Classicism is the key to understanding some of the most important works between Humanism and the Renaissance: this is the case of Albrecht Dürer's Gate of Honor for Maximilian I of Habsburg. In the spring of 1512 Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor, conceived one of the most surprising propaganda tools: a majestic triumphal arch on paper, a large poster over three meters high and wide, depicting the Triumph of the Habsburgs from ancient origins to the present conquests . To transfigure history into myth, to pretend reality into perennial symbols, the emperor calls the great Albrecht Dürer Albrecht Dürer, the German artist who had learned to update the classics from the Italian Renaissance. The 192 engravings make up a wonderful riot of words and images, destined, thanks to the reproducibility of the print, to resist almost more than marble and to be widespread in the main European courts. Political communication reaches here one of the highest peaks for the artistic quality of the work, through figurative and verbal languages shaped by classical models.